Stylumia Fashion Tech Case Study
To find a more effective solution to the challenges, Stylumia decided to seek the help of Kredis.
About Client
Every day businesses are incorporating AI, into their systems to improve sales, logistics, and more. The same goes for the fashion industry. In a sector that is extremely profitable due to the consistent demand, there arises tough competition. If you are in the fashion industry, it is absolutely vital for you to stay on top of trends and the population’s demands.
Ensuring this for fashion brands and companies, Mr. Ganesh Subhramaniam, the Ex-CMO, and COO of Myntra, introduced Stylumia – a revolutionary algorithm in the fashion industry. With the help of Stylumia, fashion brands can now obtain data providing an understanding of consumer shopping behavior, helping them easily predict oncoming fashion trends and demands.
The first version of this operation was successfully launched in India. However, challenges arose, as it tried to explore beyond the nation’s boundaries. Firstly it was difficult enough to establish its presence in the foreign continents. Secondly, the timely closing in on possible leads was also posing to be a challenge. Appointing a larger workforce could solve these challenges but it would also mean extreme expenditures. Thus to find a more effective solution to these challenges, Stylumia decided to seek the help of Kredis.

Kredis aims at making it easier for their clients to execute their business with better success rates. And after assessing, the distress that Stylumia was facing in the Global Market, it provided the following fix:
The first step was to list down possible clients in the foreign markets, who could make use of Stylumia’s solutions.
The next step was to start an email campaign. These target companies were sent engaging emails, describing the services and benefits of Stylumia and how it would help their businesses.
Finally, Kredis and Stylumia worked in sync, increasing sales and closing leads.
The results produced by Kredis crossed the expectation that Stylumia had. We were able to:
Provide Stylumia with solid leads soon after their campaign was launched.
Help Stylumia gain excellent response in the global market, as a result of which they handed over their entire Southeast Asian marketing campaign to our team.
Help Stylumia maintain a steady path of success by launching a campaign in GCC that will keep providing great leads every month.
We were able to set a remarkable benchmark for Stylumia that they greatly appreciated. And we are proud to claim, that we have been collaborating on their road to success for the last one and a half years.
We love working with Kredis and their team. They don’t just promise but bring the results. They have helped us do business with the leading brands in South East Asia and the Gulf countries. Their team is extremely responsive and hardworking. Kredis, you will always be Stylumia’s vendor of choice!